Hey Team
You have really taught us so much since we first walked into the gym and had our first training session with you. For me, I no longer have a scales obsession. I know that I can use weights and not get bulky, and strength training is awesome! I now know what macros are and that I don’t need to be eating 1200 calories a day to achieve results. I know what I should eat ( although I falter sometimes). You always knew when to push me and believed I could do things even though I did not (like the 100kg deadlift or man push-ups!). I never would have stepped foot into the big gym if you had not given me the tools or confidence to do so.
I had never heard of deadlifts or farmers walks, and you have given me a way to train that I did not even know existed or that I would ever be able to do! We have really appreciated all the advice you have given us and always taking the time to answer our questions. Thank you for being such awesome Coaches.